isaac mathew

architecture. curation. urbanism.

Page 11

design research vs01

Alternatively titled DESIGN RESEARCH, A VIEW FROM MUMBAI the essay is a series of drafts in documenting observation on architectural design research and its conduct in Mumbai. Text is to be seen as a quest in understanding a nature of work practiced by architects and its potential relatability to notions on design by research.

DESIGN (M-WD&T) _ to create, fashion, execute, or construct according to plan.

RESEARCH (OED) _ a search or investigation directed to the discovery of some fact by careful consideration or study of a subject; a course of critical or scientific inquiry.

John Seely Brown quoted in Design Research, Methods and Perspectives edited by Brenda Laurel _ “theory and practice aren’t enough; it’s got to be theory, practice and purpose.”

Research in architectural circles has become a trend in the recent past. There is an ardent pursuit in academia and upcoming design...

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method of a review

… the project is strikingly brusque, making ideological links with representation and occupation, expressing a deliberate divergence. Contemporary Indian architecture is a response to prototyping culture, internalising diverse principles, while expressing temporary dispositions. Glib generalisations limit the scope for a self-reflexive architecture that expands the terrain of practice. In a context where cultural transformation is more rapid than the architectural process, Robert Verrijt hints at ‘a practice, which is not to refer to a status quo, but arriving at a neutrality where cultural change is anticipated’. Through reconstitution, the house identifies a pattern of the everyday and rearranges its fabric. While the moves are subtle, its effect can be abrupt, taking a contrarian position to the architecture of the city. Unlike recent iterations of pastiche regionalism, House on a...

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excavating in youtube vs02

Thank you for your submission to CLOG: World Trade Center. We quite liked your idea, and while we haven’t yet figured out the best way to do this, we’d like to see if we can include it in the issue. You mentioned presenting the links as a series of QR codes, which may be one way to do it. Could you perhaps mock that up, so we can have that to look at when we do our second round of editorial review? _ Julia

Memories can be constructed in part or as a whole. In part by assembling details of an aspect of an object in question or as a whole by laying hold of whatsoever can be found, pieces ideally that later assumes a recognisable form. Both tasks are iterative or partially interdependent. To find parts to the whole is create a framework in navigating an identified archive. A possible narrative should reconstruct that which has been seeming lost as it’s no longer available in a format...

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imaginary practices

A traditional design practice is significantly sifting. To say one has an office in the parochial sense is to have a principal designer who fronts the space while providing design services. The principal along with partners and necessary office staff are responsible for services rendered against any commissions received. With lack of adequate building projects to go up against this format of conducting the design space is being forcefully re-imagined. Not only is the context evolving but facilitating interdisciplinary collaborations who are then required to operate within the problem constrains. Culture of conversations from an office is redirected to the kind of work being taken and performed. Though argued is the context of this imagination exists in early design and mid-size firms where concentrated intake of building projects due to various factors are limited. It is this mostly the...

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the helsinki model

1715, is the number of entries the open design competition Helsinki Guggenheim has received. Whatever reasons being ruminated on its success the event has unleashed an unexpected problem of the age – How to pick an ideal solution in a viral design competition? The jury comprises of 11 individuals who are surprisingly of two categories, politicians and architects. “As jurors, we are privileged with the responsibility of assessing the submitted concepts and are excited to explore their potential for Helsinki and for museum design at large” clearly emphasizes that Mark Wigley and his crew aren’t going to get creative at the judging process. In spirit of “finnish openness” it is plausible if a bit more clarity is shed on methods of selection for the next Guggenheim iteration.

Criteria adequately positioned between the principles suggested is as outstanding design, landmark of Helsinki...

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building as a collectible

In 1939 the Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation opened its first gallery space—the Museum of Non-Objective Painting—in a former Manhattan automobile showroom on East 54th Street.

Seventy-five years later, the Guggenheim Foundation operates museums in New York, Venice, Bilbao, and soon, Abu Dhabi. Until relatively recently, additional Guggenheims could be found in Berlin, Las Vegas, and downtown New York. Designed by some of the world’s most prominent architects, these museums have often been distinguished as much by their architecture as by the art displayed within. They have also sparked debates ranging from the intrusiveness of architecture in an art museum to the ability of a single building to transform an entire city.

The Guggenheim has transcended the conventional art museum to simultaneously become art collection, international constellation of architectural icons, and brand. And...

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dear debashree

review of user engagement of TAD (The Architect’s Desktop)

My name is Debashree, I am working on user engagement for TAD. Your inputs are extremely valuable for us at Syncspace. From your link - (planning-dissemination/13-tad) I believe you have gone through TAD and the theories and metaphors behind it. In case you have begun using TAD, your feedback would be greatly helpful. Please let me know when I can get in touch with you. Thanks.

Using an application, whose beginnings were based from hobbyist tinkering of interested languages, are difficult as it ignores most conventional intuitive requirements expected from executable software from access to final installation and mandated use to create content. A necessity of even to start, for that matter to be interested to use, requires a warranted framework mostly a comfort barrier that all things are set in place and information...

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draft 01 _ subject to abstract

assignment 01

template to create a draft hypothesis and initial research questions


subject - computer science

theme - design research

context - product review

topic - processing vs nodebox in generative design production

research questions

a] what is processing?

b] is it better than nodebox?

c] what is nodebox?

d] is it better than processing?

hypothesis - how much effort does it take, during a comparison between the two from installation, to understanding the concepts and finally use these applications.


It’s being noted that code is the new literacy mandate and in some form of its understanding be visible in work being done, especially in a design project. The dependency in, out of the box solutions to produce content is more of less passe. Though it seems bit of a fad and work shouldn’t be judged by the tools used to construct them, this research is an...

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riddle’s model

Claim refers to the writer’s opinion or position regarding the matter being written about. This is not factual but debatable and so needs to be argued.

Data relates to the evidence that is used by the writer to support their claim. This may be factual or contain reference to specific examples.

Justification refers to the writer’s interpretation of the circumstances or facts. It links the data with the claim in the argument.


Riddle’s model does not imply that there is only one way of arguing or one fixed order in which arguments should be made. In reality, academic arguments can take different forms. However, a useful ‘rule of thumb’ is that effective arguments have certain common elements: a claim and convincing evidence or support, as well as a justification.

Here are six other features often found in academic arguments:

A case for a particular position - Arguing for a particular...

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machimach vs04.03

machimach, Inc. conducts research on three subjects _ architecture, urbanism and curation. the version of the site consolidates the exercise. an extension of curatorial investigations in listing set enclosed at the link is a complete network of a virtual presence. this presence isn’t necessarily all consolidated but emerging exercises. with the proliferation of on-line services, the contents of a company website are staged as a sitemap of all its engagements distributed on-line. applying varying organisational methods, navigation is picking from the link list on the basis of sorting content in the individual tables. category, extending from the earlier version divides the content into five groups of database, design, documentation, policy and miscellaneous sets. these categories are staged out of broader concerns which the triad, if it can be called such are observed under. information...

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