isaac mathew

architecture. curation. urbanism.

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in-print inspirations india

01 - Pool Magazine _

POOL is a compact monthly design magazine for anybody seeking inspiration from emerging brands and designs. We live in a world where every aspect of our lives needs to be ‘by design’. Hence we have done away with dogma and boundaries, since they only limit our thinking and creativity. POOL is the definitive unified platform for all design genres with focus on social impact product development, and people who are committed to making a difference through award winning global innovation projects. The content of this publication is diverse and aimed at inspiring the reader and the designer in him. Without putting any designer on a pedestal, we bring to you their thinking on a very relevant and elemental level. Every issue of POOL brings a unique mix of interviews and talks, with focus on the designer’s entrepreneurial views, socio-cultural...

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getting things done without code, planning dissemination 2015

01 starter essentials

domains registrar

  • godaddy
  • bigrock
  • tataindicom domains
  • 101domains
  • safenames

collaborative content creating, editing and publishing ecosystems

google apps

  • email [gmail]
  • scheduling [calendar]
  • storage [drive]
  • docs [document, presentation, spreadsheet, forms]
  • chat [google hangouts]
  • map exchange & publishing [google maps]
  • discussion [groups]
  • publishing [google sites]

office365 https://www.of...

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indeas draft 02

New beginnings present fresh possibilities, so does the next batch of texts planned. Not all plans get completely implemented, hence ideally a plan becomes a sketch of a model vision. Making it an agenda of sorts after the index, subsequently tying in some stray concepts which fell over, a task is formulated to look at the previous writing plan and audit how much was done. With those which didn’t make it, bring them over and make a new list, preferably starting over again. A new plan is in principle built from the old. A key learning from the previous session was writings generated which revolved around projects and working ideas. With this knowledge, texts are planned to serve assignments or act as thought frames to work in other possibilities over time. Again it’s not necessary that all are individual writings, they can either be grouped together, spread over a series of posts or just...

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the proposal, mod 01

Applicant seeks seed funding for a virtual repository for Mumbai data and information. The platform when completed is positioned as an information system built with the objective to facilitate ease of urban design, urban planning and architecture projects within regional limits of MMR [Mumbai Metropolitan Region]. For its pilot stage, the project trajectory builds expertise on the idea taking the city of Mumbai as sample to identify limits and parameters which can be transposed onto the other city boundaries which compose the Metropolitan Region. Most available, known repositories contain either data or locate information and never both under a consolidated mandate. With the creation of a singular content silo, the project facilitates application, understanding of material in the production of an urban project where to a degree ground work to the problem is partially...

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medium spam of mumbai, lost stories on the internet

Texts bring about strange and interesting ways to navigate the city and *spam is one of them. There are always stories, rumors, myths, regulations, narratives, movies, advertisements and news to consider when assembling what the city holds, to feel its pulse. In the virtual Mumbai like the real one comes with its own stain of garb. It doesn’t seem likely that in a modern-day publishing platform especially one which began as an invite only enterprise, these exist. None the less an evolving exercise, spam bring in a possible narrative of its own. However hard some deny it, Mumbai is a city of migrants. Its history begins at reclamation and formation of a landmass today we traverse around and consider as Mumbai. In this light if some pattern in the deluge is found, it in all its cliche exist in the life of the migrant story. From an arrival to finding love, settling down, and the myriad...

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from my perspective & your perspective, narratives from youtube point of views

Screenshot 2015-11-08 23.35.49.png

When a story is narrated it proceeds as per mandates set by its narrator telling it. What if one could see it from different perspectives, all at the same time told by the people who are participating in, or well the story as an event. It could be as a content group leading up to a similar narrative but told from different perspectives of actors participating as individuals to the tale. Not often this act is possible or even anticipated. With the rise of vlogging on YouTube these kinds of explorations, mostly as ideas on storytelling pop up as ubiquitous exercises. This is an early stage find of sorts. Early, since a) vlogging is just becoming a thing and b) the videos too are drawn from early stage of the accounts before the million mark subscriber benchmark. Collected from content generated between 2014 — ’15 the set follows a group of creators (Casey Neistat, FunForLouis, Mr Ben...

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100 posts on svbtle, the good or the bad & the ugly


Writing isn’t one of my strengths but still I pursue. Have to engage in the activity as it’s the only way to disseminate research, mostly findings from the various arbitrary quests in pursuit of modelling a design practice. It’s been about two years in making of this process, with much push and pull a milestone of sorts is stated as an achievement. Several earlier attempts were pursued, testing all earlier platforms none of it were reached any fruition. Boards were studied and customised. Content was published. Mostly because of frustrations with how sites functioned none of the plots sustained itself. With the introduction of medium, a new era publishing came to be, where focus was as much about the user interface at the back as how it displayed when posted. Blogging application therefore in addition to just publishing your content also played role to encourage writing. Thus...

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publishing architecture, a working list

There was first the magazine in print. Then the blogs. & Now these applications, or well almost. Those which are not may soon transform into one over time. Between diagramming and exploring impacting concerns, these contemporary formats are refreshing. Print may never lose its appeal and blogs should take new forms but to these experiments, they definitely are intriguing. Limited edition series of print, coagulates content into an object. A thing to keep. Collectible. To that notion what could these models present Can they be ever a part of a personal archive?


Interiors is a film and architecture journal in which films are analyzed and diagrammed in terms of space. Interiors presents a discussion about films in terms of architectural space, focusing on the use of space in cinema.

uncube is a new digital magazine for architecture and beyond. Against the constant humming of online news...

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revisiting a project _ 02, mumbai museum


4. Image  -  The city is a multifaceted entity with various interpretations brought along with its several inhabitants over time. Organization of these interpretations/ thoughts is instrumental of understanding dominant forces within the context. These conditions [popular constructs] are often responsible for muffling the finer notes and if successful formulate a specific thought process which coagulates into the singular entity that is the city. A selection of these definers includes a book — Bombay: The Cities Within by Rahul Mehrotra, Sharada Dwivedi, a publication — vox, and an event — the Mumbai festival.

5. Paths  -  The book organizes the city as a process of transition from a fishing village to that of a megalopolis. This transition is processed through the condition of dualities/parallels that has been instrumental in its growth and development.

6. Elements  -  The display...

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revisiting a project _ 01, house for the malhotra family

Circa 2001, this text is from the first design project in school. The task requests us to conceptualize an abode for a sitcom family the Malhotra’s or the Family no. 1. The set of characters were selected from a group of similar TV families aired at around the period of the studio. Text is a reproduction from earlier transcripts and mentioned as stages of instructed solution requirements.


First stage [preparing the brief] - The Malhotra family was made up of eight members — parents, four boys and two girls. According to the profession of the parents, education of the children, their likes and dislikes viable spaces had to be created to increase comfort level and reduce clashes among the members.

Second stage [conceptual development] - Going back into family history we studied factors that brought them together. The Malhotra family evolved form two different family units. One of the...

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