isaac mathew

architecture. curation. urbanism.

Page 12

yuva _ unorganised sector

22th Jan 2014_2pm – 6pm_F/S Ward Office [Parel, Mumbai]

The unorganised sector in the city is constituted by hawkers, construction workers, waste collectors, auto and taxi drivers. The introductory presentation is a review of the areas in the preparatory studies that have dealt with the informal sector. Few observations are as follows - Rise in the informal economy could be attributed to increasing informalization and therefore rise in informal employment. Contribution of the tertiary sector has been on the rise. A result of this restructuring has bifurcated employment type and subsequent land use required. 25% of households have a monthly income of less than 12,500 with median at 20,000 and only 9% of the households have income of excess of 60,000 per month. Slum dwellers who are the majority seek employment to close to where they live and employment in the informal sector is...

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tiss _ formal housing

25th Jan 2014 _ 2pm – 6pm_F/S Ward Office [Parel, Mumbai]

the following records the later end of the MCHI presentation and the complete TISS discussion on housing. transportation was to be a part of the days proceedings but earlier in the morning as part of a eleventh hour revision of schedules the consultation workshop was held between MCHI and MCGM, Group SCE representatives. grievance of this misrepresentation was strongly expressed by TISS.

Government lands after an audit needs to follow the demands of housing and cater to specific groups of EWS, LIG and MIG. Incentives for developers on government subsidies are encouraged for facilitation as these can prove more powerful than prescriptions. Transforming Mumbai for the millennium is a strategy which needs a viable vision and adequate support systems if it has to be implemented. Mapping of slum land for organising lands for...

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udri _ urban form

15th Jan 2014_ 3pm – 6pm_F/S Ward Office [Parel, Mumbai]

Pankaj Joshi welcomes the gathering and is motioned to conduct the proceedings in Hindi or Marathi. Hindi is chosen as it’s the most understood of the two among those assembled.

The presentation is introduced with a question on what is the aspiration of the city with respect to its urban fabric at hand. In a city with situations such as Null Bazaar and Dadar Parsi Colony what should be the good city form considering its various characteristics. As UDRI’s overview the city is dived into 11 layers wherein as a result of the survey it was observed of the lot listed, Urban Form is the last place in the priority list. Case for the layer is even critical as its very diverse when subject to formations such as previous business districts of Ballard Estate and housing typologies of thriving urban villages. In this landscape what then...

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169 responses

Mumbai Cultural Poll has been done as part of the ongoing research in cultural planning for the city of Mumbai. Conducted at the MArch (by research) Program at Sir JJ College of Architecture, context to the exercise is to put together a possible perspective and opinion on some of the commonly identifiable aspects of city culture. The survey via its introduction tries and injects a conversation on culture to the collaborative city planning exercises. In both the plans presented by UDRI and YUVA Urban culture as an instrument in planning exercises isn’t evident among the several themes submitted via principles and vision plans. A lack of available perspectives the following sample therefore can be built on towards a more detailed documentation instrument on cultural planning as and when the task is initiated. As for methods to have generated this sample _ the survey form has been developed...

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excavating in youtube vs01

Fifty years ago, in 1964, Minoru Yamasaki’s proposed design for the World Trade Center was first revealed to the public. Rising far above the Lower Manhattan skyline, the Twin Towers—centerpieces of the original World Trade Center complex—were intended, in the words of their architect, to “become a living representation of man’s belief in humanity.” From the beginning, the project was not without controversy. Positioned at the confluence of several transportation routes, an entire district known as “Radio Row” would be claimed through eminent domain and demolished to make way for the new center of commerce. The abstract—arguably overpowering—design invited fierce criticism. Nevertheless, Yamasaki and associate architects Emery Roth & Sons would devote over a decade to the design and construction of the World Trade Center, which proved significant not only as an urban renewal project, but...

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fundamentals at wikipedia

Elements of Architecture will pay close attention to the fundamentals of our buildings, used by any architect, anywhere, anytime: the floor, the wall, the ceiling, the roof, the door, the window, the façade, the balcony, the corridor, the fireplace, the toilet, the stair, the escalator, the elevator, the ramp …

_ centralpavilion

A floor is the walking surface of a room or vehicle. Floors vary from simple dirt in a cave to many-layered surfaces using modern technology. Floors may be stone, wood, bamboo, metal, or any other material that can support the expected load.

A wall is a structure that defines an area, carries a load, or provides shelter or security. Permanent, solid fences are walls, and border barriers between countries are sometimes walls.

A ceiling is an overhead interior surface that covers the upper limit of a room. It is not considered a structural element, but...

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After much discussion, the editors decided that there wasn’t a compelling case for the use of hashtag and italicization, so we gave it the treatment of a foreign word - italicized on the first occasion and then afterward, left as plaintext. _ Stephanie

“At the culmination of this process we have asked Rem Koolhaas to engage himself in an original research project.” _ President of La Biennale Paolo Baratta after introduction of the guiding principles of the 2014 Venice Architecture Biennale ( 2013)

Research is a convoluted and emphatic process. It must have a method. Before one achieves method, one must have a position, contextualizing the investigation within a broader identified body of knowledge. The case toward an objective question is then argued. This leads a suggestion being made for the investigation to have contributed to a knowledge system a smidgeon of material...

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predictions of gupte & shetty

Edited from an Interview with Rupali Gupte and Prasad Shetty (CRIT Mumbai) by Tile von Damm (MOD Institute & Nextbangalore) published by WELTSTADT

  1. The current economic situation in India appears gloomy, but we think it is a momentary phenomenon of adjustment. Several new policies that are driven towards equity are being put in place. Hence in the longer run, this slowdown is quite useful. Moreover, a slow-down always gives you a chance to think and reinvent.
  2. Production seems to be moving out of the city and being replaced by intense trade and post-production activities. We have predicted that the culture industry seems to be the only saving grace for Mumbai and needs urgent promotion.
  3. We would rather use the term ‘accessibility’ instead of ‘vulnerability’ – it makes it sound hopeful! Mumbai is getting affected quite substantially. The direct straight-forward effect is the rise in oil...

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Storyboard at the entry to the main exhibition hall of the World Urban Forum, telling the story of urban form from the diffuse, tower-dominated and metastasising city of the modernist era to the compact city of the future.


Principles for a New Urban Paradigm

the city we need is socially inclusive

the city we need is well planned, walkable and transit-friendly

the city we need is a regenerative city

the city we need is economically vibrant and inclusive

the city we need has a singular identity and sense of place

the city we need is a safe city

the city we need is a healthy city

the city we need is affordable and equitable

the city we need is managed at the metropolitan level


UN-Habitat _

World Urban Forum, Urban Equality in Development - Cities for Life, Medellin I Columbia I 5-11 April 2014 _

World Urban Campaign -...

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impractical competitions

Between the thematic consultations and the PLU [proposed land use stage] two competitions has been invited for participation by YUVA Urban and UDRI respectively. Due to the nature of submitted problems and mechanics of engagement both have failed to attract any participation from the “people”/ the stakeholders for whom either of them are vehemently engaging with the official planning agencies. With all the vision plans in place it is indeed surprising that there is a visible lethargy from the agencies to capitalise on the various platforms/ programs implemented by themselves to push the local voice. Other than meetings there is definitely a lack of imagination in engagements at various level. Both the cases have their own unique problems. Starting with the YUVA proposal is the call to ideate a multidimensional representation of the published development plan. Failure of project could be...

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