yuva _ unorganised sector
22th Jan 2014_2pm – 6pm_F/S Ward Office [Parel, Mumbai]
The unorganised sector in the city is constituted by hawkers, construction workers, waste collectors, auto and taxi drivers. The introductory presentation is a review of the areas in the preparatory studies that have dealt with the informal sector. Few observations are as follows - Rise in the informal economy could be attributed to increasing informalization and therefore rise in informal employment. Contribution of the tertiary sector has been on the rise. A result of this restructuring has bifurcated employment type and subsequent land use required. 25% of households have a monthly income of less than 12,500 with median at 20,000 and only 9% of the households have income of excess of 60,000 per month. Slum dwellers who are the majority seek employment to close to where they live and employment in the informal sector is...