isaac mathew

architecture. curation. urbanism.

Page 14

city guidebooks

Content gets structured on the basis of earmarked frameworks in knowledge construction. Database is a result of defining parameters extracted & tabulated from object contents placed or found in an information set. A group of similar objects or items brought together to an identified container is called a collection. As an act the collection is a sporadic exercise and to state a method would be on basis of sources from where objects of the sets are acquired from. A collection may or may not contain objects of similar characteristics but posses a related ideology towards common relational assemblage. In these cases objectives of gathering are conditions of bringing unrelated things to an identified relational state. The goals of this collection have been to assemble a list of information sources popular in organising and disseminating cultural data.

Culture is an elusive term having...

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krvia _ gaothan, koliwada, adivasi

MCGM as part of their series of consultation workshops with citizen groups organised one for indigenous communities in the city. Coordinated by the KRVIA on January 18th 2014 at F/S Ward Office [Parel, Mumbai] the gathering presented and discussed with the municipal corporation several issues that were hindering the desired growth of these people groups. Being conducted in Marathi the notes are an outcome from the English conversations that have crept in between and those which could be understood with reference to the slides shown. Several presentations were discussed and individual points both as statements and question and answer sessions were part of the proceedings. The text for obvious reasons does not detail every stage and is to be seen as a personal summary of the proceedings.

Distinction of an urban village, compared with other land parcels introduces the case for...

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design without drawings

revisions of electrical layouts to house plans


a) sitout/ front porch

  • shift door position either forward in alignment with drawing wall or move into the sitout and door orientation perpendicular to current layout. reduction of space can be compensated by removing the dwarf wall with entry steps

b) drawing

  • main switchboard to be shifted closer to the door
  • to avoid tubelights and consider an alternative white light option in all rooms
  • exterior or compound lighting proposed uniformly on the ground floor and controlled at drawing and bedroom 01

c) bedroom 01

  • change position of the bed against the wall instead of the present arrangement against the window
  • with bed change all switches to be shifted close to bed.
  • fan should be aligned to the centre of bed
  • night light provisions at foot level approximately 2 feet height
  • bathroom plug point for razor and dryer
  • ...

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blogger mumbai architects

lives of city architects as archived by themselves and in part by work they try and do. though not all are involved in building buildings but mostly tell others how to …

mostpopular _

first post - Wednesday, December 15, 2004

fun fact - sees too many movies

latest status - rambling to the sky

mostnarsistic _

first post - Wednesday, July 12, 2006

fun fact - architecture of a bird

latest status - trying to find clarity in life

moststudent _

first post - Jan 23, 2006

fun fact - joys of thesis

latest status - more studies

mostlong _

first post - Sunday, January 11, 2009

fun fact - tags all posts

latest status - timeouts translations

mostpica _

first post - Sunday, January 11, 2009

fun fact - goes from panvel...

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culture in the plan

Housing/ Transportation/ Health/ Education/ Livelihoods/ Environment/ Water/ Energy/ Governance/ Urban Form _ UDRI Stakeholders Principles

Housing/ Education/ Health/ Transport/ Waste Management/ Environment and Open Spaces _ Proposals for, in the People’s Vision Document YUVA Urban

Residential/ Urban Villages/ Educational Amenities/ Medical Amenities/ Commercial Activities/ Social Amenities/ Natural Areas and Open Spaces/ Offices/ Transport and Communication/ Industrial Use/ Vacant Lands/ Primary Activity/ Public Utility and Facility/ Unclassified _ Consolidated Land Use Categories from the Preparatory Studies

Transportation/ Development Control Regulation (DCR) Simplification/ Education/ Environment and Sustainable City/ Slum Housing/ Urban Form/ Water/ Gaothan, Koliwada, Adivasi/ Gender/ SWM and Sanitation/ Informal sector/ Formal Housing and Physical infrastructure/ Health/...

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at hanuman theatre

Located in Chivda Gully, Lalbaug, Hanuman theatre nurtured tamasha for the period of its existence. As a Marathi folk theatre style, it both in form and space, entertained the mill workers between shifts and on their day’s off. Nerale Mahukar owns the place. The text transcribes a conversation between him to a touring party. Narrative outlines in brief the culture of an era within the context to have created, established and transformed a neighbourhood institution.

At its peak the Mills of Girangaon hosted a population of about 3 lakhs and to entertain the populous approximately 19 theatres were operational. Together these places hosted about 20 to 22 folk art festivals and these became the nodes of relaxation for the workers in the annual calendar. Residences of the workers we cramped and housed a maximum of 20 individuals based on job allocation and shifts. As salaries were meagre...

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reading urbanism

Conceived as a manuscript to catalogue writing produced about the city, MUMBAI READER aims to act as a research collective to address the lack of literature on the city’s urbanism. This gathering of various readings is an attempt to undertake the task of urban representation through a simultaneous and non-linear compilation of multiple voices from, in and about the city. Continuation of this exercise as a quasi-almanac creates a likely retrospective for Mumbai as a sketch or the probable archive.

A record of the task list, process documentation of things and acts in the production of the publication is by strategy a review of the making. A design exercise that spanned for a period of three years, documentation of the “to do list” is a summary of learnings that brought together the reader. Mumbai Urbanism, the reading of it could be stated to have been the result of six stages. Though...

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contents _ unpublished

Format studies of CLOG adapted from archdaily or 50 submissions of

  • TEXT: All body text must be 500 words or less (not including title, author, image credits, etc.) All text (including footnotes and list of illustrations) should be submitted digitally in .rtf format and edited according to The Chicago Manual of Style, 16th edition.
  • GRAPHICS: All vector graphics must be submitted digitally in .ai, .eps, or .pdf formats, with text outlined, or the font used included in the file package. &
  • IMAGES: All images must submitted digitally in .tiff or .jpeg formats, CMYK, 300dpi, and no smaller than 5.5" wide.

10 _ Published To Death

12 _ Warning: The Word “Not” Appears Ten Times In This Piece

14 _ Making Knowledge Available to the Architectural World

16 _ To be or not to be Published

18 _ The Surface of Borromini

20 _ The Center Cannot Hold

22 _ The Scale Of The Cretto

24 _ Missing Link...

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blurry times

Right after the development plan 14 consultation meetings a national symposium on urbanism was conducted by YUVA Urban under the broad theme of - Towards Inclusive and Equitable Cities. The series of roundtable discussions, talks and workshops was organised firstly to highlight issues relevant and to be considered in the present planning process and secondly to review other models that have been applied in community planning exercises in other parts of the country. Conducted in two days the events became partly a pause and at the same time a space for intense activity.

Day 1 - 25th March 2014, Tuesday

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Sessions attended on the first day started with Urban Planning and the Rights Discourse by Dutta Ishwalkar (Girni Kamgar Sangharsh Samiti). With this plenary presentation the next engagement was with Prasad Shetty (Collective Research Initiatives Trust) and...

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a virtual city archive strategies a virtual archive for the city of Mumbai and its Metropolitan Region [MMR]. As an archive the platform aims to record or form a repository, library of information and data about the region. The site tires to be a central location on all available Mumbai specific content and space for ongoing city projects. Material accessed aims for either to be available as bibliographic information or hosted wherever possible and varying content types. For this stage of the proposal, research evaluates the existing information landscape of the city online via review of six recognised city information centres and tests the feasibility of Mediawiki as an application that could be customised towards data and information archival. The project is enthused in form between online initiatives such as,, and...

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