isaac mathew

architecture. curation. urbanism.

Page 13

found 09 - a plan for, of and by the people

why we should care about the Mumbai Development Plan by Deepali Mody

The Maharashtra Region and Town Planning Act specify that every municipal corporation must prepare a development plan to be implemented over 20 years. The last time the development plan was prepared for Mumbai was in 1981 and it was adopted only thirteen years later, in 1994. Thus a new plan, which is valid for 20 years, will need to be prepared and ratified by 2014 and will be in force till 2034.

In order to prepare this plan, Mumbai’s municipal corporation has selected an international consultant through a tendering process and it will be expected to collate and compile all of the data available on the city before making such a plan.

The current development plan defines land reservations- (that is land that is set aside for a specific public purpose) amenities, transportation networks and services through a...

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found 08 - 63 questions

Through surveys of communities in Mumbai, the UDRI and Rachna Sansad hope to present the citizen’s vision for Mumbai to the MCGM, in order to guide the development of their 30 year plan for the city. Edited from a broader institutional list and conducted by Salmaan Khan


  1. In what year were you born?
  2. Which of the following best describes you? Employed/ Unemployed/ Student/ Housewife/ Traveller/ Retired
  3. For how long have you lived in the city? _ Less than one year/ 1 - 5 years/ 5 - 10 years/ 10 - 25 years/ 25+ years/ since birth
  4. Which of the below issues is most important to you? _ Housing/ Health/ Education/ Environment/ Economy/ Governance/ Public Spaces/ Water/ Energy/ Transportation/ Urban Form/ None
  5. Which of the below areas is closest to you? _ Andheri/ Bandra/ Borivali/ Byculla/ Chembur/ Colaba/ Dahisar/ Elphinstone/ Ghatkopar/ Goregaon/ Grant Road/ Kandivli/ Khar...

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found 07 - early minutes

from the first development plan meetings at UDRI in July 2007 by Pankaj Joshi and Kimiko Doherty broadly held under the theme of Principles First, Planning Follows and the Next Steps


Attendees: Pankaj Joshi, Shirish Patel, Kimiko Doherty, Prasad Shetty, Samir Mehta, Gautam Patel

Pankaj began by mentioning the purpose of this meeting is to discuss the different manners in which we can take forward Shirish Patel’s article “Principles First, Planning Follows.”

It was discussed and agreed that political backing at all levels of government (central, state and local) is necessary to push the idea further. The following is the list of names of those who we can consider to be included to push this through as a political agenda:
Supriya Sule – MP/ Uddhay Thakerray/ Priya Dutt – MP/ Ashish Shelvar – advocate and corporator/ Dr. Ravi Bapat and his contacts/ Kirit Somaiya (ex-MP)...

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found 06 - revising the development plan

by V.K. Phatak

01] Present Development Plan _ The present Development Plan (DP) of Mumbai was originally prepared for a period 1981-2001. The basic surveys and studies were carried out during 1978 to1982 and the draft Plan was published in mid 80s. The process of hearing suggestions and objections and examination by government was long drawn. The Development Control Regulations (DCR) were approved in 1991 and the Development Plan as such was sanctioned in 1993. The DP was essentially formulated during the pre-liberalization period and its basic tenets were;

  • Growth of Mumbai particularly of the Island City be restrained,
  • In consonance with state and MMRDA policies no new industries and offices be permitted in Island City,
  • Uniform FSI of 1.33 and 1 be prescribed for Island City and Suburbs respectively,
  • Land for public purposes be obtained by Transfer of Development rights instead of...

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found 05 - 10 guiding principles

by Cyrus Guzder to guide future urban Planning, each of fundamental importance and together internally consistent.

  1. Make Mumbai an attractive place to live in and work in for all its citizens. Any planning initiative that undermines this goal, will deprive the city of investment; and both visitors and residents will prefer to move elsewhere. Conversely, if we achieve this goal, much else that is desirable will follow.
  2. Encourage job locations in the city that are consistent with minimizing infrastructure costs and maximizing the quality of urban life. Jobs attract population - job holders, their families and those that need to service them. In 1950, Professor Lakdawalla calculated the ratio as 1: 13.5 and the ratio must now be larger because of increased demand for services. But, different types of jobs attract more or less service jobs; and often concentrating population and jobs...

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found 04 - mumbai vision 2015

by Abhay Pethe


  1. There is a need for simplification and hence time reduction in carrying out the process of external funding and proper responsibility placed on various agencies involved such as MMRDA or MSRTC or MCGM to adopt a time bound target oriented approach in a coordinated and accountable manner, perhaps by setting up Metropolitan Transport Authority.
  2. Empower states through suitable modification of acts and dc rules to implement different mass transit solutions.
  3. Traffic management solutions such as universal pay and park at reasonable fees, along with well-established solution such as dedicated bus lanes, introduction of luxury modes will not only provide resources but also create employment apart from easing the traffic congestion and allowing citizens to travel at greater speed within Mumbai.
  4. Multi-purpose/ modal network strategically spread across the region...

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found 03 - manifesto united mumbai

At the end of six weeks of looking at specific areas through the Meet in the Middle series, select participants from previous discussions will return to frame a manifesto for Mumbai and bring suggestions to the table. Will disparate groups and agencies offer to cooperate with each other? The winner, we hope, will be Mumbai.

Program series initiated by Lab Team Member Neville Mars. Hosted and facilitated by Naresh Fernandes and Sourav Biswas.

Participants: Amita Bhide, Chairperson, Center for Urban Policy and Governance, TISS; P.K. Das, Founder, Architect-Planner, Open Mumbai; Tasneem Mehta, Managing Trustee and Honorary Director, Dr. Bhau Daji Lad Museum; Madhav Pai, Director, EMBARQ; Anita Patil-Deshmukh, Executive Director, PUKAR; Brinda Somaya, MD, Somaya and Kalappa Associates; Narinder Nayar, Founder, Mumbai First; Sheela Patel, Director, SPARC; Vidyadhar Phatak, Planner, former...

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locating the archive

catalogue of quotes from four documents towards reaching a theory on the archive …

the infinity of lists

… when we cannot provide a definition by essence for something and so to be able to talk about it, to make it comprehensible or in some way perceivable, we list it properties … pg 15

the infinity of aesthetics is a sensation that follows from the finite and perfect completeness of the thing we admire, while the other form of representation we are talking about suggests infinity almost physically, because in fact it does not end, nor does it conclude in form. we call this representative mode the list, or catalogue … pg 17

at first sight we might think that form is characteristic of mature cultures, which know the world around them, whose order they have recognised and defined; on the contrary the list would seem to be typical of primitive cultures that still have an imprecise...

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writer’s retreat

A person who can write; one who practises or performs writing; occas., one who writes in a specified manner; = penman

One who paints words, etc.; a sign-writer.

writer’s cramp (writer’s palsy, writer’s paralysis), a form of cramp or spasm affecting certain muscles of the hand and fingers essential to writing, and resulting from excessive use of these.

One whose business or occupation consists in writing; a functionary, officer, etc., who performs clerical or secretarial duties; a scribe, clerk, or law-writer.

Jewish Hist. = scribe.

Writer to the Signet (abbrev. W.S.), originally, a clerk in the Secretary of State’s office, who prepared writs to pass the royal signet; in later use, one of an ancient society of law-agents who conduct cases before the Court of Session, and have the exclusive privilege of preparing crown writs, charters, precepts, etc.

An attorney or law-agent; an...

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In general, we found the topic of Rem’s style of research to be quite interesting, but currently the piece needs to further clarify its terms, its interest in Rem’s style of research, and ultimately, it needs to make an evaluation of the research. (I say this primarily because the piece seems to gesture at this, but does not explicitly state a position.) _ Stephanie

Research is a convoluted and emphatic process. It must have a method. Before one achieves method, one must have a position of locating the investigation within a broader identified body of knowledge. The case towards an objective question is then argued. This leads a suggestion being made for the investigation to have contributed to a knowledge system a smidgen of material . When comparing research to remresearch it looks like a tangent. It doesn’t want to be ascribed to a body of knowledge but tries to be one. The...

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