writer’s retreat
A person who can write; one who practises or performs writing; occas., one who writes in a specified manner; = penman
One who paints words, etc.; a sign-writer.
writer’s cramp (writer’s palsy, writer’s paralysis), a form of cramp or spasm affecting certain muscles of the hand and fingers essential to writing, and resulting from excessive use of these.
One whose business or occupation consists in writing; a functionary, officer, etc., who performs clerical or secretarial duties; a scribe, clerk, or law-writer.
Jewish Hist. = scribe.
Writer to the Signet (abbrev. W.S.), originally, a clerk in the Secretary of State’s office, who prepared writs to pass the royal signet; in later use, one of an ancient society of law-agents who conduct cases before the Court of Session, and have the exclusive privilege of preparing crown writs, charters, precepts, etc.
An attorney or law-agent; an ordinary legal practitioner in country towns; a law-clerk.
A clerk in the service of the former East India Company. Now Hist.
One who writes, compiles, or produces a literary composition; the composer of a book or treatise; a literary man or author; = penman
Also with on or upon (a subject). In very frequent use from c 1560. Also book-writer, comedy-writer, essay-writer, history-writer, letter-writer, news-writer, pamphlet-writer, play-writer, prose-writer, story-writer, tragedy-writer, etc.: see these words.
One who is writing. the (present) writer, the writer hereof.
A composer of music.
writer’s block, a periodic lack of inspiration afflicting creative writers; writer’s writer: a writer whose appeal is primarily to his fellow writers
writer-in-residence: a writer given a residential post in a university, etc., in order to share his professional insights. Cf. poet-in-residence s.v. poet 1 e; residence.
The writings of an author.
writer’s sand
One who typewrites; a typist.
A make of paint-brush.
A pen, etc., that writes in a specified manner.
A backhanded blow. Obs. rare.
The signal to retire. Chiefly in phr. to blow or sound the (or a) retreat.
The recall of a pursuing force.
The act of retiring or withdrawing in the face of opposition, difficulty, or danger.
of an army or armed force after defeat or to avoid an engagement. to beat a retreat (see beat v.1 30 b). In quot. 1600 made is app. used in the sense of covered.
Recession, retrogression.
The act of retiring or withdrawing into privacy, or into some place of safety. Also in place, etc., of retreat.
The act of withdrawing from society, public life, business, or office; retirement, seclusion.
A period of complete seclusion devoted to religious exercises.
A place of seclusion or privacy; a retired place or residence; †a private chamber.
A place of refuge or resort.
A hiding-place; a lair or den.
A privy.
An establishment to which insane persons or habitual inebriates are admitted in order that they may be under proper supervision or control.
The setting of a constellation, star, etc.
Return, revenge.
Arch. Recessed work; a recess or recessed part in a wall, etc.
Law. Redemption, recovery.
Comb., as retreat house.
discussing possibilities