
Storyboard at the entry to the main exhibition hall of the World Urban Forum, telling the story of urban form from the diffuse, tower-dominated and metastasising city of the modernist era to the compact city of the future.


Principles for a New Urban Paradigm

the city we need is socially inclusive

the city we need is well planned, walkable and transit-friendly

the city we need is a regenerative city

the city we need is economically vibrant and inclusive

the city we need has a singular identity and sense of place

the city we need is a safe city

the city we need is a healthy city

the city we need is affordable and equitable

the city we need is managed at the metropolitan level

Resources #

UN-Habitat _ http://unhabitat.org/

World Urban Forum, Urban Equality in Development - Cities for Life, Medellin I Columbia I 5-11 April 2014 _ http://wuf7.unhabitat.org/

World Urban Campaign - Better City, Better Life _ http://www.worldurbancampaign.org/

I’m a City Changer _ http://imacitychanger.unhabitat.org/


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