tiss _ formal housing
25th Jan 2014 _ 2pm – 6pm_F/S Ward Office [Parel, Mumbai]
the following records the later end of the MCHI presentation and the complete TISS discussion on housing. transportation was to be a part of the days proceedings but earlier in the morning as part of a eleventh hour revision of schedules the consultation workshop was held between MCHI and MCGM, Group SCE representatives. grievance of this misrepresentation was strongly expressed by TISS.
Government lands after an audit needs to follow the demands of housing and cater to specific groups of EWS, LIG and MIG. Incentives for developers on government subsidies are encouraged for facilitation as these can prove more powerful than prescriptions. Transforming Mumbai for the millennium is a strategy which needs a viable vision and adequate support systems if it has to be implemented. Mapping of slum land for organising lands for housing the population is requested and allocation as with identified needs. Typology of housing has to be adhered while reducing population currently residing in slums. Densities those stated in the preparatory studies seem unlikely to be affected therefore a more consolidated strategy for renewal of slums. A suggested option is the redevelopment of amenities and the pooling of land such that corporate development is encouraged. Fragmentation of land uses in slum pockets should be checked so as highlight areas of comprehensive development. Bad layouts those identified in the existing plan should have some rectification strategy to remedy the faults in place. Inclusive zoning with due consideration given in housing has to be considered. Wards M/E and L has got the largest slum pockets in the city and case towards sensitive rehabilitation plans being implemented in these regions is urgently necessitated.
What is the vision for housing as a layer in the development plan? There seems to be a clear lack of housing typologies prevalent either as plan or in the development regulation. Tower typologies of housing construction has destroyed the fabric of the city. Culture of free housing isn’t making housing stock affordable but raising prices. Housing as type would make available as stake various agencies who then bring in a variety of actors. Housing is seen as upward mobility and not a necessity. To reverse this an inventory of public land is to be made and all state lands is to have public house catering to specific types. In low income areas policy of shell and services can be implemented. Retrofitting instead of redevelopment of slums is to be the norm. Facility for additional floor heights has to be given consideration in all recommended scenarios. Speculation has via an identified mechanism redressed in the prevalent housing market. Resettlement colonies or transit accommodation needs implementable guidelines for its form to reach habitable conditions. Steps should be to taken to avoid vertical slums and relocation if required then it is only in the existing ward. Negotiation in slums is to be conducted only as communities. The development plan is a base for other policies to plug themselves in. Slum structures within acceptable housing standards can be retained and encouraged repair instead of redevelopment.
Housing demands exponentially increase dependence on amenities and the public realm. Therefore as a result housing ceases to be the only living space. Benchmarks for housing is then on the basis of liability standards as ratified by provision of both public and private amenities as well as open spaces. Amenity distribution is as per welfare objectives of the neighbourhood they are to cater to. Public but inaccessible places should be regulated to achieve equity of facilities within a locality. Income based calculations of service provisions in neighbourhoods is desired to be adhered. Type in amenities follows similar mandates to other type variants. Podium buildings needs more defined regulations to better utilise premises in context to the locality it’s located. Markets are to be considered as social amenity and more buildings brought in regulation that have substantial public interfaces. Charkop sites and services case study is the one of the more favourable implementation of slum rehabilitation in the city. As slum land isn’t regulated there aren’t any amenity provisions on slum land. Municipal amenities instead of private amenities are necessitated to be incorporated and development control regulations in accessibility has to be enforced.
Problems with implementation of reservations has to be addressed at all stages of the planning exercise. Place based codes are recommended instead of the existing system. Rationalising the housing policy is the need of the hour and steps for the housing stock to be centrally managed by a public agency has to be implemented. Basic minimum standards in housing projects such as adequate light, ventilation and open spaces on the ground floor has to be strictly enforced. Fire engine paths is to be drawn out and worked in new as well older constructions. Standards that have been implemented thus far has to be brought in check and premises under which they are enforced reimagined where required. Amenities are used in different ways by communities and people groups. Therefore ward wise differentiation in provision is requested for consideration. Standards thus could be varying though not qualitatively. Priority should be given for locals for local amenities. In high density areas ground floor should be reserved for public space and open required access.
What is a free house? Or who is bearing what costs to provide a section of population housing for next to nothing. Slums are in urgent need for undertaking comprehensive area development and mechanisms to implement an agency for self-development could be considered. Error in representation of designating an area as slum could be rectified as neighbourhood mapping versus slum cluster mapping. Mapping exercises should concentrate on improvement of infrastructure towards a comprehensive area development and with apt urban renewal schemes. Right of way in neighbourhoods have to be maintained in all schemes. BMC land and its respective uses allocated is in an urgent need for a revision in terms of its allocation and possible reuse where possible. Models such as beggars home and subsequent building types catering to welfare needs are in need of emulation. A layer where possible as per available data of landownership should be introduced in the mapping exercises and if multiple status is present shades on ownership brought in place. Forced redevelopment projects is to be strictly avoided and factors such as community incentives, community land trust and reservations considered. Markets, schools and parks are mandated necessary for any large redevelopment projects. Land and its ownership issues are critical in the city and necessary steps be taken for closing in on the missing data. Centre for repair and restoration of buildings in the city could be instituted. Layout for the suburbs has to undergo revisions where impractical reservations of the previous development plan reconsidered. Mumbai goathan list is to be prepared. All salt pans have to be brought under CRZ 1 and adequate steps for conservation taken. Development plan should be a document of permissible land-uses and drawn accordingly.
All envisioned planning sectors should implement Nagar Sevak planning criteria and as when designated planning committee would look into the suggestion and objections raised. Development plan reservations is to have detailed discussions at the workshops and municipality should be open to data sharing.
This is a personal record of the events proceedings that was conducted in Hindi/ Marathi. Therefore these notes are an outcome from the English conversations that have crept in between and those which could be understood with reference to the slides shown.