publishing architecture, a working list

There was first the magazine in print. Then the blogs. & Now these applications, or well almost. Those which are not may soon transform into one over time. Between diagramming and exploring impacting concerns, these contemporary formats are refreshing. Print may never lose its appeal and blogs should take new forms but to these experiments, they definitely are intriguing. Limited edition series of print, coagulates content into an object. A thing to keep. Collectible. To that notion what could these models present Can they be ever a part of a personal archive?


Interiors is a film and architecture journal in which films are analyzed and diagrammed in terms of space. Interiors presents a discussion about films in terms of architectural space, focusing on the use of space in cinema.

uncube is a new digital magazine for architecture and beyond. Against the constant humming of online news feeds, uncube offers a space to breathe. Berlin-based with an international perspective, we care about authorship, curated content, and looking good — with thoughtfully considered and beautifully designed graphics and spreads. uncube combines the ease of the internet with the sensibility of print: both reflexive to the current yet reflective of the longer view — and all delivered with a lightness of touch.

MAS Context, a quarterly journal created by MAS Studio, addresses issues that affect the urban context. Each issue delivers a comprehensive view of a single topic through the active participation of people from different fields and different perspectives who, together, instigate the debate.

The Avery Review is a new online journal dedicated to thinking about books, buildings, and other architectural media. We see the genres of the review and the critical essay as vital but still underutilized ways of exploring the ideas and problems that animate the field of architecture, and we hope to push these genres beyond their most familiar forms, whether journalistic or academic. Our aim is to explore the broader implications of a given object of discourse (whether text, film, exhibition, building, project or urban environment). We are interested in reviews that test and expand the reviewer’s own intellectual commitments — theoretical, architectural, and political — through the work of others. is a webzine of critical perspectives on contemporary urban design and its responses to social, cultural, political and economic forces globally. A lot of good stories about aspects of these issues get overlooked or remain untold.’s incisive global radar unfolds narratives and critically analyses contestatory realities.

Founded in 1999, is an architecture webzine that features today’s most creative projects, as well as the most influential of the past.

Open Letters is a print experiment that tests the epistolary form as a device for generating conversations about architecture and design. New issues are released every other Friday, each presenting one open letter, i.e. a letter addressed to a particular party, but intended for publication, about any topic relating to design.

Fulcrum was a publication (and sometimes architectural collective) that printed 100 weekly issues from 2011–14. Dedicated to “pursuing architecture and the third millennium”, Fulcrum remains the most read student publication about architecture in the world.

Places is a leading journal of contemporary architecture, landscape, and urbanism. We publish essays, criticism, photography, and narrative journalism, as well as peer-reviewed scholarship that deserves a wide audience. Our mission is to harness the moral and investigative power of public scholarship to promote equitable cities and sustainable landscapes. We publish designers, artists, and thinkers who are responding to the profound ecological and social challenges of our time.


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database curation, draft 02

What is the status of Indian architecture, design, art and photography today? As a method what are the possibilities that be pursued to locate this climate of production? Who/ what are key individuals/ projects which have significantly... Continue →