machimach vs04.03
machimach, Inc. conducts research on three subjects _ #architecture, #urbanism and #curation. the version of the site consolidates the exercise. an extension of curatorial investigations in listing set enclosed at the link is a complete network of a virtual presence. this presence isn’t necessarily all consolidated but emerging exercises. with the proliferation of on-line services, the contents of a company website are staged as a sitemap of all its engagements distributed on-line. applying varying organisational methods, navigation is picking from the link list on the basis of sorting content in the individual tables. category, extending from the earlier version divides the content into five groups of database, design, documentation, policy and miscellaneous sets. these categories are staged out of broader concerns which the triad, if it can be called such are observed under. information sets, its organisation, study, guidelines for order and boundary forces to impact them structures the investigation. link [username] is self-explanatory. description is the status of the link. platform is indicative of nature of the content location while type allocates the tentative purpose. this list could probably do without it various item heads, but these are injected into the conversation to find patterns in the obsessions to a degree to consolidate trajectories and check distractions. categories are to be a bit shifty and essentially the only column to be in constant flux.