about medium publications VS01
mumbai cuttings (snapshots of a city from within, afar and in-between) _
There is no proper way to identify a city. Regulations call for a delineation which for tax purposes organises land into an agglomeration. This is well one method on how a landmass is understood as Greater Mumbai. Rest of what and is a city is left to an imagination. In this identified void locates mumbai cuttings. Largely dependent on search algorithms on the platform and changing guidelines of content compilation the publication is an effort to assemble a strain which is #MUMBAI or for that matter #BOMBAY. As a rule, to guide editorial both tags are monitored and request for submission also bases itself out of that mandate. All are invited to contribute. Kindly get in touch with the editor via email for any assistance on in publishing here.
of lists (found, interesting things kept together) _
This is my third collection which I assemble. Other two _ while architecture and mumbai cuttings _ are dedicated purpose driven exercises to document ideas here is just extended lists. Mostly an accumulated group of interest sets these are intended to support fallouts or collate framework guidelines supporting personal writing goals. Lists are formed in most cases when a whole series of things are brought together but cannot be succulently argued into a piece of knowledge. Simply because they are bit too many things or correlations are too bland things are left as it is. Lists are also attempts in curation. At-least an exploration of the concept is the aspiration of the publication.
while architecture (notes from a practice) _
A seeming contribution to the profession cannot be sustained via just building. Generally, this is because building activity in specific styles isn’t particularly cool and theory is the thing of a generation. A thrust, typically a fault in itself, a practice has to prove something more than just it building capabilities. Writing and publishing are other tactics. A select few keep extensive blogs and get famous because of it. All ideas mentioned are but some possibilities. Building off from all these references is a staged mandate of the collection. As a publication, it’s an extension of a blog though at this instance an edited one. A goal also for a writing practice is to see work beyond the portfolio, website, and the book. With limited theoretical output about practicing architecture in the country an act of writing strives to document various forces, conditions, and situations which give form to an Indian architectural practice.