wish list for rtp

25/7/2016 jitendra _ I propose to build a website and an app. If possible html5 or android depending on skills available. So Windows Walsh can use the site.

The site you gave is really good for interface etc.

Will try and keep that as model for some interface.

I depend entirely on volunteer students. So I dont promise like a vendor.

I will start a document recording wishlist of an RTP app. It will have sections like interface, features, data, platform , management(governance), hosting etc

Will share the link on this group.

Any one can message here or offline to me, or call me for suggestions

Link for the shared doc : Wish list for RTP (contents as follows)

Interface _ How it should appear to user , what input will user give , how user should manipulate, navigate , can crowd add data, will there be registration of users etc

Use of bmc DP data as background image or Openstreetmap or google?
What details of toilets to be seen
What grades to be indicated ( Including harassmap indicator)
What classification of toilets

Is someone offering free hosting server. Will it take load?
Can we accept offer of free hosting by some corporate?

Who manages site, who uploads data, who updates data, who authenticates and cleans data as received from crowd etc. can volunteers do, can we rely only on volunteers, can we pay for service ? Should there be some crowd funding?
Should we accept ads.

app : android, html5 , others
Backend Website : geonode , others (data driven, GIS enabled)
OS : Ubuntu or others

Supriya _ Jitendraji we need to meet in person… share and discuss with larger RTP team ..all are not a part of this group…we have team member who has developed our website… and then go ahead as we take decisions collectively…kay vatat Raju Mumtaj?

jitendra _ Of course i have tried that earlier and will continue to try.
Do call back
But getting a Wishlist by involving all can happen parallely
Pl comment on the shared doc and ask all others to do so

28/7/2016 Supriya _ RIGHT TO PEE COMPAIGN Suggestions for the toilets in DCR and DP.

Public toilets seem to have been unattended and ignored in the general rules under the DCR - Development Control Regulations or under the DP - Development plan for all types of public spaces i.e open spaces, gardens, bus stands, railway stations, bazars, near religious places etc. The City of Mumbai needs to provide public toilet facilities, with special attention to customizing them specifically for women.

Hence we demand to include specific needs for women toilet blocks as a social amenities in DP and DCR of Mumbai.

A) For DP #

The Toilets should be earmarked on land use plans under these pertaining zones.

B) for DCR #

Most importantly public participation and participation of women’s organizations in each area should be involved in the design / structure for public amenities for accessibility, safety, cleanliness and sustainability.

Revised Development Plan


Now read this

contents to the dcr’s

Development Control Regulations are accompanying guidelines to an area plan published and ready for enforcement. The rules project within limits set on what it expects of the place to grow into as a result of several interventions... Continue →