state review 06 - does architecture matter?  

By 2050, India’s cities will be home to 850 million people or 40 per cent of its population. But how will they be housed and what role will architects play in planning emerging urban landscapes? In Mumbai, an exhibition titled the State of Architecture, Practices and Processes in India explores these issues while tracing the history of the profession since 1947.

this video is archived as part of a project assembling various documents produced during and as a reaction to the Exhibition titled THE STATE OF ARCHITECTURE, PRACTICES & PROCESSES IN INDIA | 6 JANUARY - 20 MARCH, 2016, NATIONAL GALLERY OF MODERN ART, MUMBAI


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catalogue of quotes from four documents towards reaching a theory on the archive … the infinity of lists # … when we cannot provide a definition by essence for something and so to be able to talk about it, to make it comprehensible or in... Continue →