some ideas on the mumbai project

MUMBAI PROJECT forms a method to understand the city by a dedicated process of investigating any of its selected, identified aspects. Within contained parameters, a project momentarily isolates a part of the city and forces its review through a particular tactic against a set of rules for observation. Existence of the MUMBAI PROJECT can either be academic or a need to conduct introductory studies against a live project wherever/ whenever it’s planned implementation is anticipated. City project is a commodity. From its point of origin both as an idea or the authored document its narrative overlays with the institution generating it therefore its biases. The MUMBAI PROJECT is considered as an urgency of practice hence is a tool to factor principles and ideas from a collective conducting a certain kind of work based from the city. In pursuit of locating type of possible engagement tied by limits of architecture, urban design and geographic knowledge production traditions an ideas set is generated. As proposal abstracts they are a result of tying to project concepts for several research avenues known available in the city. In addition to design - social audits, community histories, and geographic analysis are alternatives to consider. The average timeframe allotted for a project could range between nine to eighteen months with the anticipated deliverable the project report, a summary of methods and resultant findings. Where a design solution is required its slated as recommendation for the study at hand and accommodated as part of the concluding arguments. To end with design is a popularise suggestion hence its stated as such. The urban project as a condition is generally isolated in performance due to funding it attracts. Project collectives are rarely considered as tactic of engagement since very few design based conferences see light of day. Early paid instance of MUMBAI PROJECTS came in form of commissions from the MMRHCS (Mumbai Metropolitan Region - Heritage Conservation Society) to conduct heritage listings and area management plans for identified heritage precincts in the metropolitan region. MMREIS (Mumbai Metropolitan - Region Environment Improvement Society) a twin concern, focuses on projects as awareness and capacity building exercises. Other than the dominating impact of these organisation miscellaneous independent urban design proposals see a moderate submission rate to governing agencies both from established practices, non-governmental organisations engaged in advocacy and start-up designers. For the moment most promoted and those to receive funding are heritage management and environmental studies. As an approximate context against a space of engagement the observation to note is repetition of project ideas which plagues a broad Mumbai knowledge landscape. Mainly the lack of new institutions entering into urban research unable to support newer spaces of engagement or for that matter older spaces refusing to diversify a significant stagnation is evident in deliberations contributing to newer imaginations for the city. The list is essentially a discussion template generated sporadically to measure what are possibilities of research which could make up for this present disparity. It doesn’t try being through but draws from gaps found and avenues available in earlier personal MUMBAI PROJECTS conducted either independently or with institutional associations.

EAST-INDIANS OF MUMBAI _ One of the earlier communities to settle in the region, East-Indians have laid foundations to Mumbai’s evolution. Documentation of urban villages/ gaothans, precincts, urban areas and other settlement strategies such as fishing villages/ kolivadas which the community has employed plays a significant role in locating the role of the community in assembling the urban landscape which is Mumbai today.

A CITY’S FOREST AND ITS PEOPLE _ Greater Mumbai city limits is home to the largest natural forest located within an urban area. Around 104 sqkm the site lies protected under title of a national park. An elaborate ecosystem which finds shelter here requires a survey to locate its needs within the city’s development plan. Investigation into stakeholder adivasi’s and their housing requirements is to be key component of the study.

CONSTRUCTING CULTURAL SIGNIFICANCE OF AAREY MILK COLONY _ One of the larger open green spaces in Mumbai, proposals of several development projects in the region has brought the area as a site for urgent discussions. Framing the institution from its establishment to its status today to the politics of ecological conservation which needs initiation to propose a cultural significance for the place at large.

HISTORY OF TRASH _ Limited in area, dumping of its garbage within city limits is nearing a close in terms of finding alternate landfills. From the first site at Dharavi, then to Gorai and now at Denoar, situating a plot for city garbage is indicative of the limits in the city. Project aims to trace the shifting sites and industries to have developed on the periphery of the dumping grounds to present an overview of a city economic strain.

WATER TANKS, LAKES, RIVERS AND RESERVOIRS OF GREATER MUMBAI _ Both for religious and secular reasons several water tanks and ponds have sustained the development of the city before the pipe lines were laid. Addition to this there are three lakes and about six rivers found within city limits. Study is a status review of these resources and other found inland water bodies of Mumbai.

BOTANICAL GARDENS OF MUMBAI _ Among the various greens in the city are two well-manicured grounds hosting a myriad flora and fona. Mahim Nature park started as a dumping ground while Rani Baugh hosts the city’s zoo alongside the Bhau Daji Lad Museum. To upgrade sites as educational institutions specialising in public education of ecology aims the research and subsequent proposals.

MUMBAI MANGROVES _ Much time and energies is invested on the city’s mangroves. From activism to site specific design interventions have discussed preservation of the plant species. Project tries to attempt a situational analysis of various sites and stakeholders which accommodates and regulates a city ecological system.

CHARLES CORREA’S MUMBAI _ Even though Charles Correa had his office in the city, his work done within city limits is few. A church, college, residential tower, an institute and urban proposals is the legacy he leaves behind. Curated from his larger built portfolio the work tries to present a reading of ideas engaged in and its possible relevance today.

PROGRAMMING THE MUMBAI MUSEUM _ Taking off from an early thesis proposal, the project imagines the city museum as a space of discussing Mumbai beginning from its inception to projections of where the city should be headed to. Refreshing the presented project, in a degree updating ideas aims the task at hand.

NAVI MUMBAI 1975 - 2015 _ How is the new city doing next door? What where its early planning ideas? What did eventually get implemented? What is the state of its development plan? Who is occupying the city? What is its relationship with the old? What problems did it face growing up? How does it see itself when it reaches 100?

WORKING IN MUMBAI, BRINDA SOMAYA _ With the masters fading out, it’s time to focus energies on the generation to come after them. Being in the later years of their practice a select few have produced a significant amount of work while having offices in the city. How and what is the nature of contribution of her ideas within the city and its measure when compared to architecture produced in the country is objective of the review.

RELOCATING THE MAHARASHTRA ARCHIVES _ The State archives has held an austere presence in its given sites at the Mantralaya and at Elphinstone college premises. The institution in the ‘70s was allotted site and necessary bureaucratic provisions facilitated for its relocation to modern upgraded facilities. As of today most plans for a facilities upgrade remains on paper. The project conceptualises a state archive in the city today.

DE-CONSTRUNCTING THE ASIATIC LIBRARY _ The city began at the Asiatic Library when it functioned as the city Town Hall. Several prominent institutions have their early days natured here. Documentation of the civic role of a building and its several extended patronages which it nourished needs a revisit as case study.

CONTEMPORARY MUMBAI, FRAMING A CITY TIMELINE 1981 - 2015 _ Imagination of a city is built in time with reference to various events specific to it. From construction projects to political mandates, disasters to celebrations all become benchmarks on modelling an imagination of a unified urban area. Several significant city timelines are available but they all stop at the eighty’s more or less. In pursuit of continuing the tradition of cataloguing happenings a contemporary pursuit is recommended.

MAPPING ECOLOGICAL HERITAGE ON MUMBAI’S WESTERN WATERFRONT _ Delineation of a site considered as the Mumbai western waterfront and locating mandatory stakeholders to protect along the edge. Project strives on creating a framework for any future interventions on the edge and factors to consider. Base maps to accommodate any ideas the edge could accommodate in the future.

URBAN VILLAGES OF M-WEST WARD _ Role of transportation and its impact of development is most evident in Chembur home to the Monorail, Eastern Freeway and Santacruz Chembur Link. Grown around 17 urban villages Chembur, with its adjoining neighbourhoods will no longer be the forgotten vestige but an integral suburb for Mumbai. With this new found attention the research tries to assemble a history of the ward through its early settlers.

SHOPPING IN MUMBAI _ Mumbai is India’s commercial capital. Though an active trading centre, there is a lack of uniqueness in shopping in the city. Study looks at the spatial strategies employed by shopping as a condition. From malls to markets and trade fairs to fashion shows what kind of geography a commercial strain unfolds as is reviewed.

MUMBAI MUSEUM NETWORK _ Based on an independent survey the number of museums both public and private lists around 26 institutions. Even with this reasonably healthy number, interests in engaging with these spaces isn’t of high priority to citizenry at large. Imaging an institutional collective to enable and promote museum spaces in the city is slated in conceptualizing the Mumbai Museum Network.

MUMBAI THEATRE ARCHITECTURE _ The city for its folklore has its theatres. They as building type and program entertained the masses who came to work at several city mills. Time has enabled the medium to flourish in the city though for now the audience is different. In addition to mapping the project tires to look at evolution of building type along with varied spaces accommodating encouraging, patronising theatre for the city.

ASSEMBLING JUHU BEACH _ As an urban utility Juhu beach is put to use all throughout the year. Functioning as a spatial product the beach forms a quantifiable track of space to facilitate a set of interactions at a water’s edge. Project is a quest of locate actors, agents, activities and limits making up the seaside thereby clarifying a field with its linkages to a larger neighbouring area which is dependent on it.

MUMBAI PUBLIC ART GUIDEBOOK _ Public installation of art in the city is only a recent phenomenon with a first instance of a wall painting exercise held in 2008. From this point on several areas in the city is beginning to accommodate art activities in some form or the other. A document in form of a dedicated guide an attempt to record this urban event.

GUIDEBOOK OF POPULAR BANDRA AND ITS HERITAGE _ Bandra as place is the centre of town physically and all things nouveau hip. Two populations are inherently dependent on the region. Drawing up of two circuits for both the resident and the visitor the guide book will try to better explain a place while being sensitive to the stakeholders.

BOLLYWOOD MUMBAI GUIDEBOOK _ As an industry in the city Bollywood has created its own ecosystem in the urban landscape. Even though guides are instruments encouraging consumption, it also assists interpreting, in most instances defining a method of seeing. To see an industry as an everyday entity which otherwise is a subject of imagination is object of a task wherein its contribution to the city is clarified.

AREA MANAGEMENT AT MOUNT MARY _ Church as site is an event space. Over course of the year, both at a weekly basis and for festivals crowds gather for activities planned. Due to significance of one of its annual festivals, the place attracts more than its fair share of visitors. Mostly to facilitate a structure of movement of crowds the site along with the context is in needs sustained management plan rather than period interventions.

RECONFIGURING PLANNING AT BANDRA KURLA COMPLEX _ BKC as a special planning area took seed when a need arose to place a second business district in the city. A central geographic location was staged, reclaimed and an agency instituted to ease strategic development in the area. Documentation of this past leading to present ongoing work with an objective to imagine alternative futures is the project submitted as.

BANDRA STATION AREA REDEVELOPMENT _ Suburban railway stations in the city have always been places instead of sites. Lack of clarity area planning around several city transportation hubs have resulted in irregular and uncoordinated spatial development. Bandra station area all the way from the terminus in the north to its sites a part of Bandra Kurla Complex is in urgent need of restructuring.

MUMBAI CENTRAL STATION AREA DEVELOPMENT _ Unlike other city railway station terminals which are identified as urban places, Mumbai Central is a definite urban area. One of the largest single authority owned land in the city as place it awaits potential redevelopment. In an already dense centre what are variable employable strategies to consider is the research aim and objective.

BORIVALI STATION AREA REDEVELOPMENT _ In comparison with miscellaneous found urban utilities, the suburban railway station provides a service to the city at large by being an integral component of a system. Owing to the unplanned nature of the city, a station in a context is place instead of site. The project tries to within the context to define the site and area of operation which is Borivali Station.

J.J. ART SCHOOL AND ARCHITECTURE CAMPUS REVITALISATION _ Institutions with large urban campuses are a rarity in Mumbai. The first art and architectural schools in the country as city landmarks have potential to contribute more to a context than its existing potential. Rethinking, mostly developing on its physical and programmatic stance is the objective of the proposal.

KURLA TERMINUS AREA DEVELOPMENT _ Lack of any coordination of activities outside of railway station, breeds systems and economies which thrive on opportunities found in the disorder. The station is a relatively new structure that has an even newer flyover exiting right at its periphery. Station and area around it is witness to piece meal planning tasks which requested a timely revision of spatial reconfiguration.

NAVI MUMBAI CULTURAL PLAN _ Unidirectional planning exercises are unable to holistically present an aspirational place to move into. Even though Navi Mumbai is created to offset inconsistences of Bombay all its advantages have not swayed allegiances of government, businesses and population at large. Planning has several tools and models to test, wherein culture is one such interface. Using this available medium its recommended to stage a planning session based on a cultural mandate refreshing an identity.

AN INTEGRATED MASTER PLAN FOR AZAD, OVAL AND CROSS MAIDANS _ There is already enough drama in the city over lack of open green public spaces. Several years of activism has created some level of access across three city open grounds. To build on the work of a generation is to take the idea forward and establish the sites as a precinct, in the process further clearing out any other inconsistencies of equitable use.

HERITAGE REGULATIONS AND MOVEMENTS IN MUMBAI, FROM INCEPTION TILL TODAY _ Its almost twenty years since the heritage guidelines where instituted in form of regulation 67 as modification in 1997 of the Mumbai DCRs of Development Plan 1981 – 2014. The rules have seen moderate success with several important city structures being conserved in the process. With the upcoming anniversary and with a new edition of the development plan drawn out its obligatory to review status of the guidelines considering aspirations of citizens and their stake in city heritage.

AN AUDIT OF MCGM HERITAGE COMMITTEE _ Purveyors of heritage guidelines for city under provision of regulation 67 is performed by the heritage committee. Meeting at intervals they approve, recommend and sanction development activities of and around heritage structures. With all the minutes publicly available a direct dataset awaits inspection to submit an anniversary report of the committee’s performance from date of institution to stipulated point of restructuring under the new regulations.

MUMBAI’S HERITAGE LISTS _ A few concerned citizens decided it was in the city’s interest to conserve its heritage buildings. Resulting to this initiative the city has a list of buildings and precincts which fall under the regulating guidelines by the MCGM. Jobs which generated foundational lists were funded by the MMRHCS. With the MCGM list constantly modified, the project tries compare states of two lists on basis of its present form.

MUMBAI OPENSPACE _ Two things the city is obsessed about is its heritage and its open spaces. Beginning from 1996 the city has seen a slew of open space audit projects completed or institutions attempting a city wide survey of its greens. Rachna, URDI, MMREIS, PK Das, BMC, ORF and KRVIA are all stakeholders in producing knowledge about Mumbai’s lack of open spaces. Study recommended is a review of all institutional work conducted on the subject towards a consolidated reading of issue at hand.

THREE CITY FORTS _ Mahim bay is by expanse the city’s second largest visually unifying water’s edge. Unlike its more prominent counterpart the Marine Drive which was imagined as entity and precinct as part of the heritage listing exercises, the bay stretch is still to qualify any such attention. Containing three Mumbai forts and estuary to the Mahim river while supporting three fishing communities, an integrated master plan is necessary in order to recognise the space as a significant contributor to the city’s identity.


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lives of city architects as archived by themselves and in part by work they try and do. though not all are involved in building buildings but mostly tell others how to … mostpopular _ # first post -... Continue →