saving the worldport

by Cloudhopper767 [from]

Published on 11 May 2013

0:14 “Kristine Johnson” a familiar piece of New York aviation history

0:19 is about to face the wrecking ball

0:21 CBS news Lou Young has more from JFK Airport on a fight to save the old Pan American Worldport

0:30 “SAVING THE WORLDPORT” JFK terminal 3 is now in its final two weeks of active life

0:32 Delta Airlines is moving out and tearing it down

0:36 for some that’s just the way things are

0:39 its progress you gotta move forward

0:41 but the place has a rich history once known as Worldport

0:43 it was PanAm New York hub at a time when flying was exciting and glamorous

0:47 some are trying to save it from the wrecking ball even as they marvel at the design

0:51 that seems to promise a future that never was

0:54 “Glen Weaver, Air Traveler” starship enterprise

0:55 looks like a spaceship it’s going to take off

0:59 the fight is really over that circular roof

1:00 is four acres large and called the flying saucer

1:03 originally jets would nose right up to the gate and passengers will be

1:07 sheltered from the elements getting on and of the planes on those portable stairways

1:12 preservationists say that at least like to save that

1:14 but the port authority seems to think it’s not worth the trouble

1:17 this building opens on May 24th 1960 fifty-three years to the day its gonna close

1:23 the buildings has been denied official landmark status because renovations

1:27 has moved it too far from its original design as a result

1:30 Worldport what does not have the same protection as TWA’s sleek old Flight Center

1:35 which stands empty but preserved a short distance away

1:37 a Port Authority spokesperson told us

1:40 “Demolition Plan: RON MARSICO, Port Authority of New York and New Jersey” Unfortunately JFK is a land-constrained airport and the space, where Worldport is will be needed for other aviation uses

1:48 the real problem is that Delta Airlines

1:50 wants the space because of the new terminal next door

1:52 they want the space to park their aircraft

1:54 Delta’s plans include keeping the far less impressive Terminal 2

1:58 the preservationists say they’ll make a last appeal to the Port Authority

2:01 at its public meeting later this month

2:05 we are JFK New York Lou Young CBS Two News

2:06 well taking the Worldport down won’t be an easy job that giant circular roof

2:10 weighs 4,000 tons and it is held up by six miles of steel cable


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