en masse 2.0
17/7/2016 Nitin Kubal _ CHALO AZAD MAIDAN!
Since the Revised Draft Development Plan (RDDP) was released on 27th May, Hamara Shehar Mumbai Abhiyaan has been running citizen’s facilitation centers on the DP, organized over 60 community meetings and 7 thematic consultations across the city with the aim to increase citizen understanding on the issue. These have brought out numerous cases of exclusion within the Revised Draft Development Plan and raises very serious concerns about the type of development that will unfold in Mumbai if many of the current DP provisions are sanctioned.
As decided at the city level strategy meeting on 11 July 2016 we will be organizing a Public Meeting at Azad Maidan on 20th July 2016.
The public meeting will begin at 2 pm. There will be a mass submission of suggestions and objection letters by people from across Mumbai to the MCGM office prior to the public meeting. At the public meeting Hamara Shehar Mumbai will bereleasing a detailed response to the RDDP 2016. The meeting will also have a sharing of issues in the RDDP by representatives from various communities that have been excluded from the planning process. A delegation will also meet concerned MCGM officials. The meeting will conclude with a press conference at 4 pm.
With just over 10 days left for the suggestion & objection period, we request everyone to attend this meeting in large numbers.
The non negotiable demands put forth by the Hamara Shehar Mumbai Abhiyaan are:
- We demand! Recognition, delineation and up-gradation for slums
- We demand! Adequate, livable and affordable shelter for all
- We demand! Accessible, inclusive, equitable amenity provisions for all
- We demand! Demarcation, improvements and up gradation for adivasipadas, koliwadas, gaothans
- We demand! Recognition, planning, and provision for NDZs
- We demand! Sustainable and equitable standard of living for all
- We demand! Access to livelihoods and economic opportunity for all
- We demand! Urban Democracy, participation and local area planning
Hamara Shehar Mumbai Abhiyaan
shahnandita _ Pl do,share the draft of the document and especially the thematic conclusions that r finally included in the doc.
18/7/2016 Marina Joseph _
Vasant _ Appeal indicates Mass submission of S n O from 11 pm onwards. Pl reconfirm - Vasant Patil
Marina Joseph _ Yes thats correct
Vasant _ That means from late night onwards
Marina Joseph _ oh… will make that change ?
Vasant _ OK
Marina Joseph _
Purva Dewoolkar _
Vasant _
RDDP 2034 - Protest at Azad Maidan today – BCA n Church Groups , WatchDog foundation –
Purva Dewoolkar _
Supriya _ ??
Mumtaz Shaikh _ ????
Prakash Kumbhar _ ???
EMAIL UPDATE 19/7/2016 #
Since the Revised Draft Development Plan (RDDP) was released on 27th May, Hamara Shehar Mumbai Abhiyaan has been running citizen’s facilitation centers on the DP, organized over 60 community meetings and 7 thematic consultations across the city with the aim to increase citizen understanding on the issue. These have brought out numerous cases of exclusion within the Revised Draft Development Plan and raises very serious concerns about the type of development that will unfold in Mumbai if many of the current DP provisions are sanctioned.
As decided at the city level strategy meeting on 11 July 2016 we will be organizing a Public Meeting at Azad Maidan on 20th July 2016.
The public meeting will begin at 2 pm. There will be a mass submission of suggestions and objection letters by people from across Mumbai to the MCGM office prior to the public meeting. At the public meeting Hamara Shehar Mumbai will be releasing a detailed response to the RDDP 2016. The meeting will also have a sharing of issues in the RDDP by representatives from various communities that have been excluded from the planning process. A delegation will also meet concerned MCGM officials. The meeting will conclude with a press conference at 4 pm.
With just over 10 days left for the suggestion & objection period, we request everyone to attend this meeting in large numbers.
The non negotiable demands put forth by the Hamara Shehar Mumbai Abhiyaan are:
1. We demand! Recognition, delineation and up-gradation for slums
The RDDP Report claims to invite a ‘cafeteria approach’ for slums. But the plans and Development Control Rules (DCRs) do not propose any other option for slums other than the SRA. We demand that all slum areas be delineated as ‘special zones of social interest’ as areas free of evictions, and destined in their entirety for the housing, livelihood and amenity needs of slum dwellers. The development in these areas can be based on a range of models – from improvements, to up-gradation to redevelopment based on the needs and capacities of the inhabitants
2. We demand! Adequate, livable and affordable shelter for all
The RDDP 2016 plans for 100,000 new affordable houses. However, these completely disregard existing land uses in many areas that are opened up for such development (NDZs) and the environmental consequences of opening up other areas (Salt Pan Lands). The DP has completely done away with reservations for Public Housing that was always an important provision. The 1991 DP reserved 2sqm of land per capita for public housing. We demand that public housing reservations of the 1991 DP, like other reservations, be carried forward to the RDDP, and vacant public housing lands be developed by MHADA. We also demand that the DP strengthen the concept of ‘inclusionary housing’ by reserving up to 35% of BUA for all housing and commercial development, that can produce more than 800,000 units from 25% of redeveloping land in the city. Inclusionary housing can potentially produce as many units without opening up any NDZ or salt pan lands for housing.
3. We demand! Accessible, inclusive, equitable amenity provisions for all
Amenity provision in the city must be linked to the Human Development Indices of different wards and areas. The DP must provide basic health and educational amenities based on per-capita area and unit norms in areas that have large low income populations, rather than making amenity reservations based on abstract land area calculations. These amenities must be on public lands, and built and run as public infrastructure, and must not be built through Accommodation Reservation. Planning norms and DCRs for amenities such as health posts, dispensaries, pre-primary schools, primary schools, homeless shelters, etc. must be based on NBCI guidelines and/or other relevant government norms, and not based on ‘achievability.’
4. We demand! Demarcation, improvements and up gradation for adivasipadas, koliwadas, gaothans
Urban villages must be demarcated based on land uses – settlement areas, livelihood areas and amenities – that constitute the village precincts in the city. The boundaries must be clearly marked on land use maps, and special DCRs for repair, up-gradation and improvements must be made based on volumetric controls as opposed to FSI values.
5. We demand! Recognition, planning, and provision for NDZs
NDZs as they exist today in Mumbai, have a diversity of uses, and are not vacant land parcels in the city. They have informal settlements, natural areas and primary activities (agriculture, dairy farms, fishing and ancillary activities, plantations). These uses need to be acknowledged in the proposals, and the DP must plan for NDZ areas by protecting natural areas, delineating slum areas as ‘special zones of social interest’ and demarcating urban villages and primary activity areas. Vacant lands in NDZs must be reserved for social infrastructure for health, education and community infrastructure.
6. We demand! Sustainable and equitable standard of living for all
In order to allow for more intensive development in slum areas and older public housing lands, the DCRs for these areas offer incentive FSI with relaxed building control and density norms. As a consequence the norms for light, ventilation, safety and density in the city have been grievously diluted. We demand that the DCRs ensure that every development has adequate controls (heights, setbacks and marginal open spaces) to ensure that every house has enough light and air. We also demand that open spaces and other amenity norms be based on per-capita basis and not on the basis of land percentages.
7. We demand! Access to livelihoods and economic opportunity for all
The RDDP completely ignores the provisions of the Street Vendors Act that requires the DP to map all ‘natural markets’ - or streets where vending happens. The RDDP merely makes token gestures towards street vendors and other informal livelihoods. And despite the service sector not being able to provide sufficient formal employment, it still makes the creation of commercial floor space as being the way in which employment will be generated. We demand that the RDDP implement the provisions of the Street Vendors Act, and the NULM guidelines for informal livelihoods be incorporated.
8. We demand! Urban Democracy, participation and local area planning
The EDDP had some good ideas that have been done away with in the RDDP. Two of these were smaller planning units called Planning Sectors, and Local Area Plans (LAPs) for certain areas in the city like slums and urban villages. These ideas could have been improved by making electoral wards into planning sectors, and introducing areas for localized planning with clear regulations as to how these are to be undertaken. We demand that area and neighborhood level proposals in the DP be made in a more decentralized way through local area planning, and appropriate spatial units, participatory mechanisms and accountability measures be set up for planning and implementation.
20/7/2016 Sabah _
It’s begun!
First group from sundarbaug
Hussain Indorewala _ ??
Marina Joseph _ ??
Purva Dewoolkar _
Deepak D _ Www!!
Janandolan _ ??????
chayanika _ ??
Snehal _ ??
Shweta Damle _ ????
Purva Dewoolkar _
Rama Shyam _ ??
Santosh Thorat _ Thanks .
Janandolan _ Aage badho
Amita Bhide _ Great
Janandolan _ aawaaz do,,,,,,, hum ek hai!!!
neerajnarayansharma _
People from Maharashtra nagar
Long queue for submitting the objections against DP
Bilal Khan _ Niranjan bhai pls call jaimati bhai. He is there with 60 people in bmc building and seems to have reached the wrong dept. Please call n coordinate with him if possible. Thanks.
Marina Joseph _ Bilal ask him to come to Gate 1
Bilal Khan _ Ok
neerajnarayansharma _
Nitin Kubal _ ??
Atik Ahmed _ ????
Balasaheb Pawar _ ?????????
Marina Joseph _ Take a look at @NDTVProperty’s Tweet: https://twitter.com/NDTVProperty/status/755781696264429568?s=08 [Will citizen protests mar Mumbai’s Development Plan?@NikhilNSivadas has the story -http://bit.ly/29Oy7EB #MumbaiDP]
Mumbai’s Development Plan Comes Under Fire From Citizen Groups _ July 20, 2016
With about a week left for final suggestions & objections to come in for the Mumbai development plan, urban experts, developers and the government continue to be divided on the pros and cons of the latest draft.
Mumbai DP’s Deadline Draws Close
The last time the Mumbai development plan (DP) for 2014-2034 came around, it met with a storm of criticism that forced the chief minister to scrap the plan and order a revision. A year later, the revised development plan has been released for public discussion, with the deadline for suggestions and objections ending on the 29th of July. The big question that everyone is asking is will the DP pass the test?
“There is nothing that is the last word. Everything has another version that will come out and so the minute you think you have got the last word, that is the end. Nothing can have a last word, the Mahabharata and the Ramayana has no last word, so what is this poor DP when compared to that? Let the versions come and let me assure you that we will take everything on board.” proclaimed an optimistic Ajoy Mehta, Municipal Commissioner of the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC).
Meanwhile, the builder community has been largely supportive of the DP, including the proposals to increase FSI. However, they are insistent that the BMC do more to free up land for development and also take steps to reduce the cost of construction.
“Builders don’t want money, they want FSI and we are very happy that you (the BMC) have done that. Now that FSI has been increased, what we need is to create affordability across the board through lower taxes, including rationalizing the ready reckoner rate which the government increases year on year, making affordable housing unaffordable.” says Niranjan Hiranandani, Founder & MD of the Hiranandani Group.
Opposition To Mumbai DP Heats Up
While the BMC commissioner is defiant, opposition to the revised DP is rising with a number of NGOs and urban planners protesting against flaws in the plan. The Hamara Shehar Mumbai Abhiyaan (HSMA) took out a protest against what they are calling pro-developer proposals and have submitted nearly 5,000 suggestions asking for revisions in the DP.
“If this is a government-led planning process, then there are some non-negotiables like basic amenities that are required to be provided for the people by the BMC. So those should be in the priority list and not the incentive FSI and the TDR which has been sort of bulked up in order to facilitate redevelopment work in the city.” says Aravind Unni, architect and planner at HSMA.
Critics say the Mumbai DP has several proposals which have not been well through-out. These include errors in the mapping and zoning system, inclusion of green zones in densely populated areas, the exclusion of several gaothans and koliwadas from the DP, the lack of contour maps to understand the risk of flooding, insufficient provisions for open spaces and the rehabilitation of slums in eco-sensitive zones like Aarey milk colony.
“This DP is ignoring 60% of the city’s population which is the working class of the city and it’s not really taking any initiative to plan for them. Not housing, not facilities, not services nor infrastructure.” says Sitaram Shelar, convenor of the Pani Haq Samiti
Delayed DP To Impact City’s Real Estate?
As things stand, the BMC has officially received only about 2,700 suggestions to the DP, a far cry from the nearly 65,000 suggestions that were submitted for the first draft of the DP over a year. But with protests heating up, that number could rise drastically over the next 10 days. Real Estate experts are worried that if the DP gets bogged down once again, it will have a serious impact on Mumbai’s real estate sector.
“When things are not certain, decisions don’t happen. Developers will want to wait when launching new projects. That means supply is going to further dry up and from a consumer’s perspective , that naturally means fewer projects to choose from, which in turn means that prices can go up.” Says Ashutosh Limaye, Head of research and REIS at JLL India
While the impact on real estate cannot be denied – the Mumbai DP is a document that will determine the economic, infrastructural and demographic growth of Mumbai over the next 20 years. And so, it is not something which can be decided in a hurry. The government should ensure that all stakeholder concerns are taken into account before implementing such a far-reaching plan.
EMAIL UPDATE 21/7/2016 #
Around 750-1000 people gathered at the Azad Maidan today to protest the exclusionary Development Plan prepared by the MCGM. More than 3,500 suggestions/objections were filed by different individuals and groups.
21/7/2016 Sitaram Shelar _
HT today
Sanjay Shinde _ ????
Aravind Unni _ ?
Great work. Thanks Sanjay bhau for support.
Sanjay Shinde _ ????
amol s b madame _ ??