dear friends
The Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai (MCGM) released its revised draft development plan, titled the “Report on the Draft Development Plan 2034 (RDDP)“ on 27th May 2016. The last date for submitting your comments is July 29, 2016.
The Mumbai DP 2034 will be the legal blueprint for guiding the citys development for the next two decades at least. The 1991 DP was only notified in 1994, its draft was published in 1981 for public suggestions and objections and has governed the city for the last 35 years. Generations have been affected by the provisions of the DP and the document continues to affect more than 12 million citizens across Mumbai.
The UDRI had requested for an extension on the deadline for submitting citizens’ feedback on the RDDP, however the same has been denied. Hence it is of utmost importance that we file in our suggestions and objections by Friday, July 29, 2016.
Considering the importance of what is at stake for Mumbai and its citizens, we sincerely request you to take time out to peruse these documents carefully, to ensure your rights in Mumbai’s development as it will affect the future development of your neighbourhood, ward and city.
The report can be accessed from the MCGM website. You can find the reports (in English and Marathi) here: -
The specific folder names are :-
- ENGLISH DRAFT DCR 2034 (27May2016)
- ENGLISH DRAFT DP REPORT 2034 (27May2016)
- MARATHI DRAFT DCR 2034 (27May2016)
- MARATHI DRAFT DP REPORT 2034 (27May2016)
- PLU 2034 (DRAFT D.P. SHEETS) (27May2016)
We welcome you to visit our UDRI office to study the Proposed Land Use (PLU) maps on paper as we have large printed copies of these for easy reading.
We look forward to your active participation in ensuring Mumbai DP 2034 keeps the city’s best interests at heart, promoting an open, equitable and efficient Mumbai.
Best regards,
The Urban Design Research Institute