contents to the dcr’s
Development Control Regulations are accompanying guidelines to an area plan published and ready for enforcement. The rules project within limits set on what it expects of the place to grow into as a result of several interventions positioned. The contents are a transcription to the first city guidelines of ‘67. A prequel to the more elaborate present guidelines in force of '91 (UDRI/ KRVIA project component) these exercises of exrapolating contents for these documents are notes towards a simplification process that envisions guidelines of use and development for a place. Some working questions are on how these city guidelines tally when compared with the national standards as given in the Model Building Bye Laws? and what differences are or for that matter customisation are to be performed based on site and plan specific implications? The issues that bring about discussions in land regulations are subject to the modifications they are brought under to facilitate different conditions that are shown as overlooked during the main planning processes. To this is to note is that which sections of the regulatory structure needs to be consolidated in checking undue revisions and edits to the original edition so as to retain to a degree the laid out vision of the development plan that the regulations are meant to guide?
The Development Control Rules with certain modifications were sanctioned by the State Government and published in the Extraordinary Government Gazette on 7th January 1967. These Rules have come into force with effect from 9th February 1967 for the purpose of all parts of the Development Plan of Greater Bombay.
Part I
Permission and Zones
01] Written permission for Development Work
02] Manner of obtaining permission
03] Development work to be in conformity with these Rules
04] Use as specifically designated on Development Plan
05] Zones or Districts
06] Boundaries of Zones
Part II
Residential Zones
07] Use provision in Residential Zones
08] Use provision in Residential zones with Shop Lines along Streets
09] Height provisions in Residential areas
10] Floor space indices in Residential and Commercial Zones
11] Open space provisions in Residential Zones
12] Narrow Plots
Part III
Commercial Zones
13] Use provisions in Commercial Zones
14] Height provisions in Commercial Zones
15] Floor space indices in Commercial Zones
16] Open space provisions in Commercial Zones
17] Narrow Plots
Part IV
General Industrial and Special Industrial Zones
18] Use provision in General Industrial Zones
19] Use provision in Special Industrial Zones
20] Height provision in General and Special Industrial Zones
21] Floor space indices for General and Special Industrial Zones
22] Openspace provisions in General and Special Industrial Zones
23] Narrow Plots in General and Special Industrial Zones
24] Setback in General and Special Industrial Zones
25] Setback from Boundaries of General and Special Industrial Zone
26] Special Industries in General Industrial Zones
Part V
Special Industrial Plots
27] Use provisions on Service Industrial Plots
28] Floor area for each Establishment
29] Height and floor space index provisions for Service Industrial Plots
30] Openspaces provisions
Part VI
No Development Zones or Green Zones
31] Use provision in Green Zone
Part VII
General Provisions
32] Building abutting two or more Streets
33] Open spaces to be provided for full consumption of floor space index
34] Inner and outer chowks
35] Provision of lifts in buildings
36] Parking, loading and unloading spaces
37] Galleries, balconies, weather farmes, etc.
38] Means of Access
39] Layouts or Sub-divisions
40] Accessory buildings
41] Height of Compound Walls
42] Residential areas where commercial zone boundary or street is further away
43] Nonconforming Industries
44] Special provisions for Bombay Port Trust and Railway Buildings
45] Airport Zone
46] Preservation of view from Phirozeshah Mehta Garden
47] Setback from watercourses
48] Discretionary powers
49] Delegation of Powers
50] Penalties
51] Definition