books and award list from the state
… presents a photo documentation of information from an exhibition (6th January — 20th March, 2016) on Indian architecture in NGMA (National Gallery of Modern Art), Mumbai. These images are a record of selected surveys from the exercise. For an entire country for a period of approximately 80–90 years, these lists summarise the extent of a professional impact of a field. A bunch of other parameters is definitely displayed along with these but within these mentioned shows the scope of contribution to a currently spare design knowledge landscape. Books and publications are edited but maybe around ½ or ¼th additional to the submitted catalog could complete a bibliography on Contemporary Indian Architecture. Ancient and colonial work is left out of the discussions. Also this is all the information available at a regional scale, work about the field in universities abroad too remains uninquired. A sparsity of exhibitions [in research displayed at the state] is a sign of lethargy of the profession in general, thought to note the mentioned are all the grand works and leaves out institutional specific and many private tasks. Awards seem sufficiently in order but again locates in a similar vain of exhibitions research some key recognition systems. Academic awards in colleges and newer trends of awards by design blogs and forums aren’t mentioned. There is bias on content produced about design which is essentially where potential lie for intervention. And title of the exhibition should potentially be “The State of Architecture 1946 —2015, Practices & Processes in India” to accurately locate concerns.